Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Elephant's Child

Out of all the Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling The Elephant's Child must be the one that has inspired more images than any of the others.    Izmar Cohen did the first one for Royal Mail Stamp Card Series and is PHQ 237(e)1.02 and was issued on 15 January, 2002. (Further details from : Royal Mail, FREEPOST, Edinburgh EH12 9PE).
The second one is my interpretation and is worked in drill cotton and embroidery.  If anyone has any more images they would like to share please do or even start an Elephant's Child Blog.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

St. David's Day has just been and I want to share some artists that I discovered in my search.   I would like to meet with other Welsh artists in Sydney to share,  or paint with, Wales or Welsh related subjects.This picture is by Muriel Williams.  'Shopping in the Rain.'